We are looking forward to meeting you at the SECEC-ESSE
This advanced course provides you with the opportunity to practice and improve the implantation technique of the Endo-Model Knee System and the LinkSymphoKnee.
Verona, Italy
Dr. Alois Franz
Medical Director St. Marien Krankenhaus Siegen
Siegen, Germany
Dr. med. Ufuk Sentürk
Medical Director Clinic for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery Helios Klinikum Emil von Behring
Berlin, Germany
Dr. Gianluca Piovan
Consultant for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Orthopaedic Department IRCCS Hospital Sacro Cuore Don Calabria of Negrar
Verona, Italy
Beginning of the level course around 1 PM CET
End of the level course around 2 PM CET
The aim of this advanced course is to deepen your existing knowledge on the Endo-Model Knee System and the LinkSymphoKnee. Our instructors will demonstrate the surgical technique and explain tips, tricks and pitfalls in a wetlab setting. The interactive set-up of the course gives you the opportunity to exchange your experience with our instructors
and colleagues.
This course is designed for surgeons who have successfully participated in the respective LINKademy intermediate course or surgeons with similar experience and knowledge of the Endo-Model Knee System and LinkSymphoKnee.
This advanced course provides you with the opportunity to practice and improve the implantation technique of the MobileLink Acetabular Cup System, BiMobile Dual Mobility System, TrabecuLink Augments and the LCU System.
Muelheim, Germany
Dr. med. Dirk Steinhagen
Head of Orthopaedics, Diakonie-Klinikum Schwaebisch Hall GmbH
Schwaebisch Hall, Germany
Prof. Dr. Thelonius Hawellek
Managing Senior Physician, Head of Endoprosthetics, Universitaetsmedizin Goettingen
Goettingen, Germany
Beginning of the level course around 1 PM CET
End of the level course around 2 PM CET
The aim of this LINKademy Educational Course is to deepen your existing knowledge on the LINK BiMobile, LCU and MobileLink System. Our instructors will demonstrate the surgical technique, tricks and pitfalls in a wetlab setting. The interactive set-up of the course gives surgeons the opportunity to exchange their experience with the instructors and colleagues.
This course is designed for surgeons who have successfully participated in the respective LINKademy intermediate course or surgeons with similar experience and knowledge of the BiMobile, LCU and MobileLink System.
Auf dem diesjährigen DKOU haben Sie wieder die Gelegenheit, sich über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in O und U zu informieren und kritisch deren Bedeutung für Ihre persönliche tägliche Praxis zu prüfen.
Wir freuen uns, Sie auch in diesem Jahr am Waldemar LINK-Stand zu begrüßen und in einen spannenden Austausch zu gehen.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the AAHKS
This advanced course provides you with the opportunity to practice and improve the implantation technique of the 3C, MP Monoblock, MP Reconstruction Prothesis and Mobile Link System.
Milan, Italy
Luca Marega, MD
Chief of Orthopaedic Department Ospedale San Camillo Trento
Beginning of the level course around 1 PM CET
End of the level course around 2 PM CET
The aim of this advanced course is to deepen your existing knowledge on the MP Reconstruction System, LCU and 3C Hip Stems and the MobileLink Acetabular Cup System. Our instructors will demonstrate the surgical technique and explain tips, tricks and pitfalls in a wetlab setting. The interactive set-up of the course gives you the opportunity to exchange your experience with our instructors and colleagues.
This course is designed for surgeons who have successfully participated in the respective LINKademy intermediate course or surgeons with similar experience and knowledge of the MP Reconstruction System, LCU and
the MobileLink Acetabular Cup System.
This advanced course provides you with the opportunity to practice and improve the implantation technique of the LINK Embrace Shoulder System.
Madrid, Spain
Dr. Miguel A. Ruiz Ibán
Upper Extremities Coordinator, University Hospital Ramón y Cajal
Madrid, Spain
Dr. Pablo Cañete
Head of Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hospital de Manises
Valencia, Spain
Beginning of the level course around 1 PM CET
End of the level course around 2 PM CET
The aim of this LINKademy International Shoulder Advanced Level Courseis to deepen your existing knowledge onthe LINK Embrace Shoulder System. Our instructors will demonstrate the surgical technique, tricks and pitfalls in a wetlab setting. The interactive set-up of the course gives surgeons the opportunity to exchange their experience with the instructors and colleagues.
This course is designed for surgeons who have successfully participated in the respective LINKademy intermediate course or surgeons with similar experience and knowledge of the LINK Embrace Shoulder System.