A trial positioning with trial instruments and a repetition of trialing with a mix of implant and trial knee prosthesis or final implants helps to ensure correct positioning and to confirm the final implant combination, according to the patient’s situation.
Trial reduction
In order to check that the fit is correct, it is necessary to carry out a trial reduction. In addition to the femoral compressor, which has been placed in the bone, the following trial components from the Endo-Model knee family are required:
If it is not possible to insert the prosthesis combination correctly, further preparation must be carried out as described above.
Repeat trial
After implantation of the Femoral Cone, it is advisable to double-check that it is correctly seated before placing the bone cement. This can be done with either the fully assembled femoral component (in the
case of modular implant systems) or the femoral trial component. The purpose of the repeat trial, especially when using the 3-zone Femoral Cones is to provide an intraoperative check for the appropriate box level between Femoral Cone and femoral knee component.
The dynamic TrabecuLink Femoral and Tibial Cones are an attractive solution for the cementless restoration of bone defects10 and for providing additional support to the prosthesis if there is bone loss in the proximal tibia or distal femur. The combination of the dynamic design5,6 of the cones, the biocompatible material Tilastan– E11,12, and the 3-dimensional TrabecuLink structure is designed to provide is stable, long-lasting fixation.
TrabecuLink Cones can be used in combination with the long-established LINK Endo-Model knee family in a wide range of sizes and versions. The choice of sizes corresponds to the dimensions of the hinged knee prostheses.
The 3-dimensional structure is produced in additive manufacturing process.
The optimized pore geometry for effective cell ongrowth for intended second stability.
The sequence of images shows a pore of the TrabecuLink structure being filled with tissue under in-vitro cell culture conditions. The fibronectin laid down by human fibroblasts and continually reorganized over a period of eight days is visible as green fibers. Fibronectin is a component of the extracellular matrix that is formed at an early stage of the healing process. It forms a basis for the embedding of collagen, which is essential for mineralization of the tissue and ingrowth of bone into the structure. Apart from the accumulation of fibronectin, which increases over time, a clear contraction of the matrix towards the center of the pore can be observed. This contraction mechanism, which is attributable to the cellular forces acting in the tissue, accelerates the rate at which the pore is filled with tissue, compared to a layer-by-layer tissue growth.*
* In-vitro testing may not be indicative of clinical results.